How To Install Bower And Manage Dependencies

By bhagwatchouhan
How To Install Bower And Manage Dependencies

This tutorial explains all the steps required to install Bower and manage dependent packages on Windows system for front-end based project development. The steps should be the same on Linux based systems. Using Yarn and Webpack or Parcel is the recommended solution to manage dependencies for all the front-end based projects since bower is marked as deprecated. We might still need bower in several cases.

In order to use bower, we need to define the packages in the manifest file bower.json in JSON format. After defining the packages, we can install the dependent packages.


Install Bower

We need Node.js already installed on the system before starting with Bower installation. You can follow How To Install Node.js On Windows to install Node.js on Windows system. After confirming that Node.js is installed, run the below-mentioned command to install bower globally.

npm install -g bower

It will show NPM warning as shown in Fig 1.

Install Bower

Fig 1


Create Manifest File

We can create the manifest file from the console using the below-mentioned command. It asks a few questions in order to generate the manifest file.

bower init
? name <project name>
? description <project description>
? main file <main js file>
? keywords <comma separated keywords>
? authors <authors>
? license <license>
? homepage <project home page>
? set currently installed components as dependencies? No
? add commonly ignored files to ignore list? Yes
? would you like to mark this package as private which prevents it from being accidentally published to the registry? (y/N)
? would you like to mark this package as private which prevents it from being accidentally published to the registry? Yes

The messages are as shown in Fig 2.

Create bower.js

Fig 2

It will create the default manifest file as shown below.

  "name": "myproject",
  "authors": [
    "Author <Author Email>"
  "description": "A test project to demonstrate bower packages.",
  "main": "src/main.js",
  "keywords": [
  "license": "MIT",
  "homepage": "",
  "private": true,
  "ignore": [


Install Package

After creating the manifest file, we can install the packages required for the project. You can specify the directory to install bower components in the bower.json file as shown below.

"directory" : "src/bower_components"

The packages can be installed either for production usage or for development purpose as shown below.

# Install package and add it to bower.json dependencies
bower install <package name> --save
# Install package and add it to bower.json devDependencies bower install <package name> --save-dev
# Re-install all the bower dependencies bower install

The above-mentioned commands can be used to install the package with the option --save or --save-dev. Below mentioned are examples to install bower packages.

# Install bootstrap and add it to bower.json dependencies
bower install bootstrap --save
# Install concat grunt task and add it to bower.json devDependencies bower install grunt-contrib-concat --save-dev

The package file looks like the one as shown below. Note that our installed packages are added to dependencies and devDependencies.

  "name": "myproject",
  "authors": [
    "Author <Author Email>"
  "description": "A test project to demonstrate bower packages.",
  "main": "src/main.js",
  "keywords": [
  "license": "MIT",
  "homepage": "",
  "private": true,
  "ignore": [
  "dependencies": {
    "bootstrap": "^4.3.1"
  "devDependencies": {
    "grunt-contrib-concat": "^1.0.1"


Remove Package

We can remove the pre-installed bower packages using the below-mentionedcommands.

# Uninstall package and remove it from bower.json dependencies
bower uninstall <package name> --save
# Uninstall package and remove it from bower.json devDependencies bower uninstall <package name> --save-dev

The example commands to remove packages are as shown below.

# Uninstall package and remove it from bower.json dependencies
bower uninstall bootstrap --save
# Uninstall package and remove it from bower.json devDependencies bower uninstall grunt-contrib-concat --save-dev

These commands also update the bower.json file and remove the package dependencies from it.


Publish as Package

We can also distribute and publish our project as a bower package (or component) so that others can install it as a package similar to how we are using the packages published by others.

In order to do so, first, publish the project to GitHub as a public repository and add a tag specifying the initial version following semver guidelines. The package must be publicly available at a GitHub endpoint. We can also use other Git version control service. Add the bower_components directory to the gitignore list.

Now register your package to bower using the below-mentioned command.

# Register your package at bower
bower register <package-name> <git-endpoint>
# Example bower register myproject git://

Now anyone can install the registered package by running the below mentioned command.

# Install myproject and add it to bower.json dependencies
bower install myproject --save

Similar to public packages, we can also use Bower and GitHub Enterprise for private packages visible only to an authorized person.


Unregister the Package

We can remove the registered package by using thebelow-mentioned command. We need the same Git account used to register the package in order to remove it.

# Login to bower
bower login
# enter username and password ? Username: ? Password:
# Unregister package after login bower unregister <package name>
# Clean cache bower cache clean

These are the primary activities involved in managing the dependencies of a front-end project using bower dependency management.

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