Hello World in JavaFX On Mac

By bhagwatchouhan
Hello World in JavaFX On Mac

The official definition of JavaFX - OpenJFX is an open source, next generation client application platform for desktop, mobile and embedded systems built on Java.

JavaFX in an open-source platform and follows GPL with the class path exception, similar to OpenJDK. This tutorial provides all the steps required to write the Hello World Application in JavaFX on macOS using e(fx)clipse plugin for the Eclipse IDE and JavaFX SDK. We can also use either of the build systems among Maven or Gradle instead of JavaFX SDK. It assumes that Java and eclipse are already installed on the system.

The tutorials relevant to installing Java and Eclipse include How To Install Java 13 On Mac, How To Install Java 14 On Mac, How To Install OpenJDK 14 On Mac, and How To Install Eclipse For Java On Mac.

You can also refer to Hello World in JavaFX for Windows and Ubuntu. I have used OpenJDK 14.0.1, Eclipse Java 2020 03 R, e(fx)clipse 3.6.0, and JavaFX SDK 14 while writing this tutorial.

Step 1 - Install e(fx)clipse Plugin

In this step, we will install the e(fx)clipse plugin for the Eclipse IDE. Click the Help Option on the Main Menu and click the Eclipse Marketplace Option as shown in Fig 1.

JavaFX - Eclipse - Marketplace

Fig 1

Search for JavaFX as shown in Fig 2.


JavaFX - Eclipse - Marketplace

Fig 2

Now click the Install Button to start installing e(fx)clipse plugin on Eclipse. It will show the installation progress and ask to accept the License Agreement as shown in Fig 3 and Fig 4.

JavaFX - Eclipse - Install

Fig 3

It might throw an error at this stage. In such case, again follow the steps as shown in Fig 1 and Fig 2.

JavaFX - Eclipse - License Agreement

Fig 4

Accept the License and click the Finish Button to start the installation. It will ask to accept the Certificate and restart the IDE after successfully installing the plugin as shown in Fig 5 and Fig 6.


JavaFX - Eclipse - Certificate

Fig 5

JavaFX - Eclipse - Restart

Fig 6

Click Restart Now to apply the plugin-specific changes. This completes the installation of e(fx)clipse plugin on Eclipse.

Step 2 - Create JavaFX Project

Now click the New Option on Main Menu and click the Other Option as shown in Fig 7.

JavaFX - Eclipse - New Project

Fig 7

It will show the project type selection wizard as shown in Fig 8.

JavaFX - Eclipse - New Project

Fig 8

Now click the Next Button to configure the project as shown in Fig 9.


JavaFX - Eclipse - Configure Project

Fig 9

Configure the project and click the Next Button. We can further configure the Java for the project as shown in Fig 10.

JavaFX - Eclipse - Configure Project

Fig 10

Now click the Next Button to configure the Application as shown in Fig 11.

JavaFX - Eclipse - Configure Application

Fig 11

Finally, click the Finish Button to complete the project creation and configuration. It will create the project and shows on the projects library as shown in Fig 12.


JavaFX - Eclipse - Project

Fig 12

Step 3 - Fix the Imports

In this step, we will fix the imports by creating a user-defined library since JavaFX is not bundled with the JDK since Java 11. We need to create this library for the first time and it can be used for multiple projects. Open the Application Class file to view the import errors as shown in Fig 13.

JavaFX - Eclipse - Import Errors

Fig 13

Download the JavaFX SDK from the official website. We can use either JavaFX 11 LTS or JavaFX 14 as shown in Fig 14. I have downloaded JavaFX 14 SDK as highlighted in Fig 14.


JavaFX - Eclipse - Downloads

Fig 14

Now extract the downloaded JavaFX SDK to the appropriate location. We will add a new user-defined library to the eclipse. Click the Eclipse Option on the Main Menu and navigates to Preferences -> Java -> Build Path -> User Libraries and click the New Button as highlighted in Fig 15.


JavaFX - Eclipse - User Libraries

Fig 15

On clicking the New Button, it will ask the library name as shown in Fig 16.

JavaFX - Eclipse - Add User Library

Fig 16

Provide the appropriate library name and click the OK Button. It will create the library as shown in Fig 17.


JavaFX - Eclipse - User Libraries

Fig 17

Now click the Add External JARs Button as shown in Fig 17. It will ask to choose the JARs to be added to the library created by us. Navigate to the lib directory of the JavaFX SDK downloaded by us and select the JARs as shown in Fig 18.


JavaFX - Eclipse - Library Jars

Fig 18

Now click the Open Button to add the JARs to the library. The library gets updated with the selected JARs as shown in Fig 19.


JavaFX - Eclipse - Library Jars

Fig 19

Click the Apply and Close Button to finalize the library. Now right-click the project and click the Properties Option as shown in Fig 20.


JavaFX - Eclipse - Project Properties

Fig 20

Click the Java Build Path and Libraries as shown in Fig 21. I have also highlighted the Classpath.


JavaFX - Eclipse - Project Libraries

Fig 21

Click the Add Library Button on the left side to add the library created by us. It will open the wizard to add the library as shown in Fig 22.


JavaFX - Eclipse - Add Project Library

Fig 22

Now choose User Library and click the Next Button. It will show all the user libraries as shown in Fig 23 and Fig 24.


JavaFX - Eclipse - Add Project Library

Fig 23

JavaFX - Eclipse - Project Libraries

Fig 24


Choose the JavaFX library created by us and click the Finish Button. Also note that I have removed the JavaFX SDK library added by the e(fx)clipse plugin. Now click Apply and Close Button. It will add the library to our project and also resolve the import errors as shown in Fig 25.


JavaFX - Eclipse - Project

Fig 25

Step 4 - Run the Project

In this step, we configure the project runtime and run the project. Now right-click the Project -> Run As -> Java Application as shown in Fig 26.


JavaFX - Eclipse - Run Project

Fig 26

It will ask to choose the Main Class as shown in Fig 27.


JavaFX - Eclipse - Main Class

Fig 27

Now choose the Main class and click the OK Button to execute the application. It will show the missing runtime error as shown in Fig 28.


JavaFX - Eclipse - Missing Components

Fig 28

So, the default run configuration did not execute our project since it's missing the JavaFX runtime components. We can configure it for the project by creating our own Run Configuration. Now right-click the Project -> Run As -> Run Configuration as shown in Fig 29.


JavaFX - Eclipse - Run Config

Fig 29

It will show the run configurations as shown in Fig 30.

JavaFX - Eclipse - Run Config

Fig 30

Now click the New launch configuration Icon as highlighted in Fig 30 and configure the Arguments. Click the Arguments Tab and use the below-mentioned arguments by providing the appropriate path to the JavaFX SDK.


--module-path "<JavaFX SDK Path>/lib" --add-modules javafx.controls,javafx.fxml

Also, configure the Main Class as shown in Fig 31.

JavaFX - Eclipse - Run Config

Fig 31

Now click the Apply Button and click the Run Button to execute the application using the Run Configuration created by us. It might throw an error as shown in Fig 32 on macOS Mojave and macOS Catalina since the OpenGL is deprecated on these operating systems. Apple introduced macOS Metal Framework and deprecated OpenGL.


JavaFX - Eclipse - Render Error

Fig 32

It will build and run the application below macOS Mojave. It will simply show the Coffee Icon without application window. After adding an additional configuration as shown in Fig 33, the application ran fine as shown in Fig 34.


JavaFX - Eclipse - Runtime Config

Fig 33

JavaFX - Eclipse - App Window

Fig 34

This is the simplest application that can be written using JavaFX.



This tutorial provided all the steps required to install e(fx)clipse plugin for the Eclipse IDE and also provided all the configurations and processes required to create and execute the first JavaFX application.

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