Convert IPv4 To Number

By bhagwatchouhan
Convert IPv4 To Number

This post shows the code required to convert an IPv4 Address to a Number and vice versa.

The below-mentioned lines convert an IPv4 Address to Long.

// IP
String ip = "";
// IP Octets string array String[] octets = ip.split( "\\." );
// IP Octets integer array int[] octetsNum = new int[] { Integer.parseInt( octets[ 0 ] ), Integer.parseInt( octets[ 1 ] ), Integer.parseInt( octets[ 2 ] ), Integer.parseInt( octets[ 3 ] ) };
// IP in numeric form long ipNum = ( octetsNum[ 0 ] * (int)Math.pow( 256, 3 ) ) + ( octetsNum[ 1 ] * (int)Math.pow( 256, 2 ) ) + ( octetsNum[ 2 ] * 256 ) + ( octetsNum[ 3 ] );

We can also convert the number back to IPv4 Address as shown below.

// IP in numeric form
long ipNum = -1062731519;
// Convert numeric IP to IPv4 Address String ipAddr = ( ( ipNum >> 24 ) & 0xFF ) + "." + ( ( ipNum >> 16 ) & 0xFF ) + "." + ( ( ipNum >> 8 ) & 0xFF ) + "." + ( ipNum & 0xFF );

The complete and tested code is mentioned below.

package networking;
public class IpUtil { public static void main( String args[] ) {
// Stores the IP Address String ipOctets = "";
IpUtil ipUtil = new IpUtil();
// Convert IP to Number long ipNum = ipUtil.ipToNum( ipOctets );
// Print the number System.out.println( "The number of given IP Address : " + ipOctets + " is: " + ipNum );
// Convert Number back to IP ipOctets = ipUtil.numToIp( ipNum );
// Print the IP System.out.println( "The IP Address of given number : " + ipNum + " is: " + ipOctets ); }
/** * Convert and return the given IP Octets to number. */
public long ipToNum( String ip ) {
long ipNum = -1;
// IP Octets string array String[] octets = ip.split( "\\." );
// IP Octets integer array int[] octetsNum = new int[] { Integer.parseInt( octets[ 0 ] ), Integer.parseInt( octets[ 1 ] ), Integer.parseInt( octets[ 2 ] ), Integer.parseInt( octets[ 3 ] ) };
// IP in numeric form ipNum = ( octetsNum[ 0 ] * (int)Math.pow( 256, 3 ) ) + ( octetsNum[ 1 ] * (int)Math.pow( 256, 2 ) ) + ( octetsNum[ 2 ] * 256 ) + ( octetsNum[ 3 ] );
return ipNum; }
public String numToIp( long ipNum ) {
// Convert numeric IP to IPv4 Address String ipAddr = ( ( ipNum >> 24 ) & 0xFF ) + "." + ( ( ipNum >> 16 ) & 0xFF ) + "." + ( ( ipNum >> 8 ) & 0xFF ) + "." + ( ipNum & 0xFF );
return ipAddr; } }

The output should be the same as mentioned below.

The number of given IP Address : is: -1062731519
The IP Address of given number : -1062731519 is:


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